Have you become interested in becoming a security professional? You may have taken steps toward getting a degree in this field, could be a member of the military or might already have earned your diploma as a law enforcement worker. Either way, you should know that there are several jobs available for people with security backgrounds and desires. Below are five of the top ways you can use your security professional degree.
- Become a Private Security Contractor
Private security contractors provide services to businesses and other nations in good standing with America. Though most private security contractors have military backgrounds, this isn’t the case for all of them. You may still be able to bid on private security contractor positions even if you have no military training, depending upon the job. Make sure you read through the application clearly to ensure that you have all the credentialing necessary for each project.
- Offer Personal Security for Celebs
Celebrities, whether they’re politicians, Hollywood stars or members of the media, can be willing to pay well for personal security. In this type of position, you would be traveling around with the person you’re guarding, making certain he or she is fully protected. The more people you protect in this capacity, the better your reputation will be. Do a great job for one celeb, and you might just find yourself in high demand.
- Provide Security for Private Businesses
Have you ever seen a personal security professional when you walked into a jewelry store, or while you were at a conference or convention? These security professionals may have been hired by private businesses to guard against theft. In the case of businesses that have very expensive goods or equipment, professional security personnel make sure nothing leaves the building unless it should. You’ll have to be very diligent and have a strong eye for questionable behavior.
- Train Other Security Professionals
After you’ve had a bit of experience, you may want to educate others in the industry you know and enjoy. The opportunity to instruct comes up periodically, such as in the form of continuing education classes or curriculum development. This enables you to share what you’ve experienced and encourage a new crop of security professionals to join your ranks. It might even be a way for you to bring out your inner author, as you could wind up writing a book about your services.
- Join the Secret Service
The U.S. Secret Service is one of the most well-known security professionals’ organizations. Not only does it get a lot of buzz, but it enjoys tremendous admiration. It takes years of training and hard work to become a Secret Service Agent, and you’ll need to work hard. However, if this is your ultimate goal, why not go for it?
If security and protection are your passions, you can find personal rewards when you become a security professional. Make sure you keep up your knowledge by gaining insights throughout your career to improve your chances of earning as much as possible.